Birth Trauma Release

Approaching birth free of fear can sometimes mean fully letting go of the birth trauma from a previous experience. Difficult experiences tend to leave their emotional mark which can mean that not only that we might experience an increased level of fear or anxiety, but that we also feel less emotionally resilient to deal with those things facing us. This can make the difference between us being able to handle a future challenging birth or not. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with difficult emotions arising from a previous birth trauma then I can help you to reduce the emotional load and to build your emotional resilence in preparation for your next birth.

A birth trauma often feeds a number of fears, so the trauma release work has two aspects; releasing the emotion that you’ve been carrying in relation to your experiences, and then addressing the fears that have arisen as a result.

Boosting Emotional Resilience

When we’ve been through a traumatic experience, our emotional confidence is knocked. This often means that we might need extra support in getting back to a strong emotional place. It for this reason that I recommend following up the birth trauma release work with some emotional resilience work. Boosting your emotional resilience is about giving you the emotional strength to withstand future experiences comfortably, and to minimise the likelihood of you experiencing future experiences as traumatic.

Birth by its nature is unpredictable, but by protecting yourself emotionally for any outcome, you’ll be much better able to experience your birth as a positive experience. In helping you to build your emotional reslience there are a few ways that I will help you to do this;

  • Identify situations and behaviours that have the potential to trigger you emotionally and to stop those things from triggering you so that you can remain emotionally calm
  • Make peace with your least desired birth options and worst birth fears so that if this does become your journey, you don’t react emotionally to it and are better able to stay present and calm
  • Let go of your ideal birth so that if it doesn’t happen, you’re able to stay in a good place emotionally
birth trauma release

This is how I’d like to help you …

The ultimate aim with my birth trauma release sessions is to work with you so that you can return to an emotionally strong place in preparation for your birth. These sessions can be used for both of you, to ensure that dad can be in a strong place too. During my birth trauma release sessions, we can work together to;

  • Let go of the emotional pain from a birth trauma experience
  • Address any negative emotions that have arisen from any other experience that is affecting your feelings about your upcoming birth
  • Clear the fears that have arisen as a result
  • Identify any situations or behaviours that have the potential to trigger your stress or fear during the labour
  • Loosen your emotional grip on your desired birth outcome
  • Reduce your resistance to your least preferred birth outcome

I can also help you (and your partner) to master the fear release technique so that you can use it during birth in case any fears crop up on the day. I used this a lot during my first birth and credit it with potentially preventing my natural home birth turning into a dramatic and scary hospital birth. It’s a useful tool to know!

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Working Together

It’s difficult for me to predict how much time we would need to work together without knowing more about you; we are all coming from such unique places when it comes to our emotions around pregnancy and birth. But one thing you can be sure of is this; I want you to feel completely empowered both in the lead up to and during your birth. This is why I’ll do what I can to help you to master the fear-release technique for yourself.

As part of our work together, I can teach you how to clear your own fears, so that you are able to do some of the clearance work yourself. This will reduce the number of sessions we would need. It really depends on how much support you would like from me. You can also choose to use some of my Fearless Birthing Meditations to help you with some of the fear release work. You have access to ALL of my Fearless Birthing Meditations once you book a session so this means that you get to do a lot of fear release if that’s what you need.

Birth Trauma Release Sessions

Due to the complex nature of birth trauma release work, a session lasts between 1.5 and 2 hours depending on how things go and when we reach a suitable stop point.

If you choose to buy just one session, then this also includes a half-hour follow-up laser call to see how you’re getting on and to any tidying-up clearance work if required.

When you book more than one session, I am available via email to help and support you on your journey to emotional reslience.

These sessions take place over the phone or via Skype.

When you book two sessions you have immediate access to all the Fearless Birthing Meditations. These include audio sessions to help you overcome the following; fear of pain, fear of losing dignity, fear of losing control and a fear of needles and injections. (in total these are worth over $150 and equivalent to more than 4 sessions)

1 Session    $195

2 Sessions  $345 (includes Fearless Birthing Meditations worth $150)


Book a session

Trauma Release sessions last around two hours and are carried out by phone or over Skype or Facetime.

1 session $195 (approx £150)

2 sessions $345 (approx £260)


You're interested in working with me? Great! I'd love that!

Perhaps you’d prefer a chat first to be super sure. No problem!

I totally understand. (This is important stuff).

I want you to do the right thing for you and your family.

I refuse to work any other way. (I have standards too!)

If you’re serious about overcoming your fears and know that you can’t do that alone, book yourself a call with me – we can figure out your next step, together.

Whether that’s with me, or somebody else. (It’s ok, I can handle it!)

Let’s have a chat!

  1. Fill in the application form letting me know more about you
  2. One of my team will be in touch to book some time with you