Erin’s Tokophobia Healing Journey

I'm thrilled to share with you another incredible tokophobia healing journey. As the host of the Fear Free Childbirth podcast, I have had the profound privilege of connecting with many incredible women, each on her unique path to overcoming the fears and anxieties...

How Unhealed Tokophobia Can Affect You In Unexpected Ways

I want to share with you a true story that illustrates the shocking impact of unhealed tokophobia and how it can unexpectedly affect your life. It's a tokophobia recovery story that's a little bit different. Well, VERY different! For a start it involves a lady who's...

Overcoming Birth Trauma: Heather’s Journey to Positive Birth

In today's episode, I am joined by Heather to dive into her incredible journey from a fear-filled first birth to two positive and empowering experiences. Heather shares her deep emotional work in overcoming the negative feelings from her traumatic first birth and the...

Periods & Pregnancy: Learning to love your cycle

In today's episode, I have a thought-provoking conversation with Elizabeth Tidwell, a menstrual cycle coach, as she shares her journey of healing and embracing the power of her menstrual cycle. I wanted to talk about periods because even though they're not front and...

Spirit Babies: Exploring Fertility and Conscious Conception

In this episode, my special guest is Emma Moon, a cosmic fertility guide and a spirit baby medium. Emma's unique background includes a Bachelor of Science in nursing and expertise as an integrative health practitioner. She blends both science and spirituality in her...

I Won An Award!

I'm really excited to share some incredible news with you all. I am thrilled to have received an award! I've won the... Best Pregnancy & Birth Fear Support Services 2023 - UK This award from the LUX Parent & Baby Awards totally came out of the blue - it's not...