Clearing her tokophobia fears. Becky’s story

Clearing her tokophobia fears. Becky’s story

I want to share Becky’s story of clearing her pregnancy and birth fears. Everyone’s experience is different and we’re all a bit nosey – or is that just me 😉 Becky came to me for help with her tokophobia. The thing about tokophobia is that it...
Do you have a fear of uncertainty?

Do you have a fear of uncertainty?

A fear of uncertainty comes up a lot in my work with my clients. This is because there is so much potential for uncertainty on the journey to pregnancy, birth and motherhood. From figuring out whether you actually want kids or not, to playing the waiting game until...
Pregnancy anxiety and COVID

Pregnancy anxiety and COVID

Pregnancy anxiety and COVID is something we need to be paying more attention to. Pregnancy is a time where many women experience increased anxiety, but now that COVID is part of our lives, more and more people are suffering from anxiety and depression. Pregnancy...
Should I wait until I’m pregnant to address my fears?

Should I wait until I’m pregnant to address my fears?

A common question I get from those who suffer with strong fears or tokophobia is this: should I wait until I’m pregnant to address my fears? My answer to this is NO. And here’s why. It could take longer than you think Uncovering and addressing our fears is...
When the thought of losing control terrifies you

When the thought of losing control terrifies you

The idea of losing control is terrifying for many. Deep down we believe that we need to be in control to survive so when our sense of control is threatens it can undermine our sense of safety and security. Many don’t realise that a fear of flying is often linked...
Hate the thought of something growing inside?

Hate the thought of something growing inside?

The idea of something growing inside or having a baby move in the belly is the stuff of nightmares for many women. It’s not all angels singing and babies coo-ing when some women imagine pregnancy. For many it’s downright terrifying and this is often one of their...