Spirit Babies: Exploring Fertility and Conscious Conception

In this episode, my special guest is Emma Moon, a cosmic fertility guide and a spirit baby medium. Emma’s unique background includes a Bachelor of Science in nursing and expertise as an integrative health practitioner. She blends both science and spirituality in...

How to Measure Healing Progress in Pregnancy and Birth

Welcome back to Fear Free Childbirth! In today’s episode, I want to explore how we can measure healing progress when we’re undertaking personal development work, or healing. And in doing so I’d like to share a tool that I think can help you with this...

Postnatal meets Perimenopause with Linda Stephens

In today’s episode, we dive deep into the world of perimenopause and how it intersects with the postnatal period. With so many women waiting until later in life to have children, this is an important topic for women to get their heads around. Postnatal meets...