How I can help you to get rid of your pregnancy anxieties & birth fears
DIY – Clear your fears yourself
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Dip your toe in
Dive in & go for it!
Group Programmes
Get one-to-one Support
Fearless Birthing book
Fear Clearance Audio MP3s
Clear specific fears with my range fear clearance tracks.
Clearance Starter Pack
Get started in clearing your fears with the starter pack that includes the top 10 pregnancy & birth fears. Only $44.
The Clearance Club
Vault of clearance scripts and audios by theme for a wide range of personal & life themes.
Fearless Birthing Online Course
Identify, uncover and clear your fears, anxieties & traumas so that you can approach birth with calmness & confidence.
Tokophobia Clearance Group
Join others in clearing your fears around pregnancy, birth and motherhood. Includes;
- Online course
- Group Calls
- Community
3 Participation options available so that you can choose the level of personalisation and one-to-one support that suits you: Group, Personalised, One-to-one.
5-week programme.
Tokophobia Support Programme
1-month programme to clear your fears.
Fearful to Fearless
In-depth 3-month programme to clear fears and anxiety.