Find out how to create calmness, clarity and confidence QUICKLY and EASILY
Are you easily stressed?
Do you have fears that are holding your back?
Overwhelmed easily by negative emotions?
Do you have repeated negative thought patterns that drive you crazy?
Do you feel like your emotions are in control of you rather than the other way round?
Do you struggle to calm down after an emotional outburst?
Are you ready to let go of all this?
Let me help you…
A long time ago you would have seen me working very hard in the world of beauty marketing. One day as I was caught up in the stresses of deciding what shade of green to use on a pack of tweezers, my life changed forever; quite suddenly, I lost my adorable mother to cancer. Between finding out and her leaving us was a very quick and painful seven weeks. Those seven weeks were some of the darkest days of my life. And you know what they say about darkness, it’s where you discover the beauty of light. It blew open my sense of the spiritual and ignited my intuition. It also blew a hole in my identity and my sense of self. It was this last bit that sent me into a messed up orbit of “who the hell am I and what the hell am I doing here?”.
The next few years were spent wandering a dark emotional wilderness as I sought something, anything that could help me to get back to a happy place. My guardian angel must have lost patience with me and sent someone onto my path to intervene and I found myself on a therapy training course. I was one of the first people to learn Reflective Repatterning, and it was life-changing for me. For the first time since losing my mum, I was finally not feeling crap daily. My head was less buzzy and stressy and my skin was finally calm down. At the time, I was amazed, I felt like my life was finally turning around. And yet, the true magic of Reflective Repatterning hadn’t yet revealed itself to me. That was yet to come.
A few months later I found out I was pregnant, and it was then that I realised that all that grief and feeling-lost stuff, was nothing compared to the terrifying darkness that descended on finding out that I was pregnant. I had tokophobia, with big friggin’T!
When I lost my first baby it was a relief, which scared the hell out of me. Thankfully Reflective Repatterning came to the rescue once more. I spent the next few months diligently clearing my crap. Having always thought I’d never be a mother, to then realising that actually yes I did, made me realise that I had to prepare myself for motherhood. For me this meant preparing myself emotionally for it and clearing all my crap out. I had a lot!
Thankfully, by the time I fell pregnant again, I was in a much better place. I still had raging fear when it came to birth and pregnancy though, but once again I turned to Reflective Repatterning. This time, I approached things differently. I had a deadline hurtling towards me and my shit was real. I went into business mode and streamlined, trying to find the most efficient way of working for maximum effectiveness. I tweaked Reflective Repatterning be more like a self-help tool so that I could use it quickly and easily and the result is the Head Trash Clearance Method.
If you’ve been following my podcast, you’ll probably know this story – well at least the last bit – but maybe not the earlier bit. I share it with you because I wanted you to see how much Reflective Repatterning and the Head Trash Clearance Method have helped me throughout my life.
We never know what crap is going to come our way, and we can’t control it. But if we’re armed adequately it doesn’t matter, because we know we can handle it. This gives us an underlying confidence that can help us to move mountains. And who doesn’t want a bit of that?
Do you want me to show you?
The Head Trash Clearance Method Course is…
… an online program that will teach you how to clear your head trash so that you can enjoy freedom from negative thoughts, feelings and emotions.
The Head Trash Clearance Method course is an online training that includes videos, audios and PDFs that will teach you how to use one of the most powerful self-help tools that is around today. Once you master this tool you will be able to apply to all aspects of your life and experience incredible transformation that might seem completely unimaginable to you right now.
Just imagine being able to neutralise your fears at will… or being able to STOP being irritated or annoyed by certain behaviours that have always driven you completely insane. Imagine being able to put a stop to those destructive patterns that you seem to repeat time and time again, even though you KNOW you’re doing it!
The Head Trash Clearance Method is a powerful tool that is very easily to learn. But, it’s one thing knwing how to use it, it’s quite another being able to apply it to YOUR stuff. The Head Trash Clearance Method course doesn’t just teach you how to do it, but it also teaches you how to apply it YOU, because that’s where the magic lies!
“The head trash clearance method had such a profound effect on my pregnancy.
Before my pregnancy, I thought an elective c-section was the way to go. I am the biggest wimp when it pertains to pain and I didn’t think I could cope with a natural birth. Your podcast opened my eyes up to an entirely new way to view natural birth. It’s the first time I saw birth as a manageable and even enjoyable experience. In spite of having a new view of birth, that didn’t change that I still had underlying and deep-rooted fears. I feared I couldn’t cope with the intensity, I feared I wouldn’t have the stamina needed for birth, I feared I would let my husband and our daughter down, that I would lose control of my emotions and become frantic, that I would end up with a c-section or something would happen to our daughter. This is where the head trash method saved the day.
Using the method laid out in your videos I began working through each fear. By the time I was done working through them I no longer felt this deep-rooted fear that engulfed my mind and body. Instead, I felt light. I could acknowledge the previous fear without any associated emotion. It became the same as making any generic statement such as “I’m going to wear white socks today”.
What’s even better is that I didn’t have to set aside hours upon hours to work through my fears. When a fear popped up during my pregnancy I spent about 5-10mins using the head trash clearance method & the fear was gone. It was incredibly empowering to know I could successfully rid myself of a fear in such a short period of time.
As my birth approached I felt at peace and excited to meet my daughter. With my fears cleared I knew I could handle anything that came my way.
My birth was incredible. Challenging? Definitely. But full of love. I never had an ounce of fear the entire time. I was able to completely relax into every contraction and every stage. I progressed quickly and after 7 hours of active labour, including 12 minutes of pushing, I had the most beautiful baby girl in my arms. Not bad for a first time mama who once wanted to have an elective c-section!
The head trash clearance method was pivotal in allowing me to have such an incredible birth. It allowed me to give myself and my daughter the type of birth I dreamed of and I am eternally grateful.”
Here’s what’s included in the course…
Overview video of the 5-Step Head Trash Clearance Method
In this video, I talk you through the whole thing. Some people find this enough. But if for whatever reason, you feel you need more, then don’t worry, there’s more!
1 video for each step
I’ve created 5 videos that dive down deep in each step so that you fully understand what to do. And because each video is separate, you can just go to the video you need, when you need it.
Head Trash Clearance Prep Book
This prep book has been created to help you to think through your head trash and unpick it. In it I go through many of the questions that I would normally go through with my clients. Some clients have even told me that going through this book has helped them to shift stuff!
2 videos of me clearing head trash
If you’re the type of person who needs to see something being done to really get it, then I’ve got your back! In these two videos you can watch me using the 5-Step method on two different pieces of head trash so that you can see how it’s done. I’ve picked really common things that affect most people so you might want to follow along if you want!
Explainer videos
Over the years I’ve been teaching the Head Trash Clearance Method, I’m always getting questions from people asking WHY? Why do we have to do it this way? Why am I doing that? What is the reason for this bit? etc etc. The truth is you don’t need to know the reasons why to get great results, but knowing some of these answers can certainly help you to apply the technique better. So, as part of this online training, I’ve created a bunch of videos that answer all the questions I usually receive. These videos explain WHY we do what we do as part of the Head Trash Clearance Method so that you can use it more effectively
Bonus audios
Included in the program are also lots of audios where I talk about applying the method to various types of head trash. By the time you’ve finished, you’ll be so well-versed and confident you’ll be raring to clear your stuff.
It’s weird how well the clearance method works because it doesn’t feel that you’re actually doing anything… in the end when you ask yourself ‘how do I feel about this fear?’ you’re like “Meh!”
So far, I’ve done three sessions. I think that they have defused some emotions and left me considerably calmer. I feel more rooted, confident and trusting of myself. It’s subtle but deep. Quite something!
And if you need some extra support… I’ve got your back!
Would you like a Personal Head Trash Clearance Plan?
A personal clearance plan is a basically YOUR list of stuff you need to clear using the head trash clearance method. That way, once you get access to the course, all you need to do is crack on with your clearance work knowing that what you’re working on will make a difference to how you’re feeling.
A lot of people struggle with knowing WHAT they need to clear. They need help unravelling it all.
While others just like having nice, clear to-do lists!
Either way, I’ve got you covered.
How does it work?
As part of the course, you receive a Head Trash Clearance Prep Book. To get your Personal Clearance Plan all you need to do is email it to me and I will go through it with a fine tooth comb to identify the things you need to work on using the Head Trash Clearance Method. Then I’ll email it you and you’re ready to crack on.
Would you like some one-to-one support too?
Once you start your head trash clearance journey, you might find that you have questions. As you start building your confidence in using the Head Trash Clearance Method you’re probably going to want to use it for all sorts of aspects of your life. It does that to you! And it’s at this point that you might appreciate extra guidance and support. As you become more self-aware of your head trash, you’ll notice new stuff that you’ll want to clear. It’s for this reason that I also offer one-to-one support. So that you can get the very best results and see real change in your life.
In addition to receiving your Personal Clearance Plan, you can also have FOUR update sessions. These 30-minute sessions are for you to share where you’re at with things. You can ask me any questions – let’s say if you’re stuck – and you can get advice on what else you could be working on. You can choose when to have these sessions so there is no rush.
Online Course
- Head Trash Clearance Prep Book
- Overview video of the Head Trash Clearance Method
- 1 video explaining each of the 5 steps
- 2 x videos of me clearing some head trash
- Explainer videos on why we do what we do
- Bonus audios on how to apply it for best results
- Personal Clearance Plan via email
- 4 x 30-minute Update Sessions
- Email support for 2 months
+ Personal Clearance Plan
- Head Trash Clearance Prep Book
- Overview video of the Head Trash Clearance Method
- 1 video explaining each of the 5 steps
- 2 x videos of me clearing some head trash
- Explainer videos on why we do what we do
- Bonus audios on how to apply it for best results
- Personal Clearance Plan via email
- 4 x 30-minute Update Sessions
- Email support for 2 months
+ One-to-one Support
- Head Trash Clearance Prep Book
- Overview video of the Head Trash Clearance Method
- 1 video explaining each of the 5 steps
- 2 x videos of me clearing some head trash
- Explainer videos on why we do what we do
- Bonus audios on how to apply it for best results
- Personal Clearance Plan via email
- 4 x 30-minute Update Sessions
- Email support for 2 months
Inside the Head Trash Clearance Method Course
Let me show what you can expect to find inside the Head Trash Clearance Method course …
“I think that anyone with specific fears that hinder them from living their lives to their fullest potential can benefit from this program. They need to know that it IS possible to face your fears head-on, neutralize them and obliterate them. I honestly couldn’t believe it! I figured I would need months or years to undo these deep-seated fears of mine, but in applying Alexia’s techniques that was not my case at all.
I love the videos, materials, and podcasts! They are a brilliant and helpful resource which you can access anytime and anywhere. I still use the podcasts and browse the website for videos though whenever I need touch-ups.”
Buy the Head Trash Clearance Method course today
Overview video of the 5-Step Head Trash Clearance Method
In this video, I talk you through the whole thing. Some people find this enough. But if for whatever reason, you feel you need more, then don’t worry, there’s more!
1 video for each step
I’ve created 5 videos that dive down deep in each step so that you fully understand what to do. And because each video is separate, you can just go to the video you need, when you need it.
Head Trash Clearance Prep Book
This prep book has been created to help you to think through your head trash and unpick it. In it I go through many of the questions that I would normally go through with my clients. Some clients have even told me that going through this book has helped them to shift stuff!
2 videos of me clearing head trash
If you’re the type of person who needs to see something being done to really get it, then I’ve got your back! In these two videos you can watch me using the 5-Step method on two different pieces of head trash so that you can see how it’s done. I’e picked really common things that affect most people so you might want to follow along if you want!
Explainer videos
Over the years I’ve been teaching the Head Trash Clearance Method, I’m always getting questions from people asking WHY? Why do we have to do it this way? Why am I doing that? What is the reason for this bit? etc etc. The truth is you don’t need to know the reasons why to get great results, but knowing some of these answers can certainly help you to apply the technique better. So, as part of this online training, I’ve created a bunch of videos that answer all the questions I usually receive. These videos explain WHY we do what we do as part of the Head Trash Clearance Method so that you can use it more effectively
Bonus audios
Included in the program are also lots of audios where I talk about applying the method to various types of head trash. By the time you’ve finished, you’ll be so well-versed and confident you’ll be raring to clear your stuff.
The head trash clearance method was pivotal in allowing me to have such an incredible birth. It allowed me to give myself and my daughter the type of birth I dreamed of and I am eternally grateful.
I learned so much about myself while using her Head Trash Clearance Method. I never would have realized the amount of control I have over my own mind if I hadn’t used Alexia’s extraordinary methods.
Thank you for sharing this information with the world. It has truly impacted mine in an immensely positive way.
Online Course
- Head Trash Clearance Prep Book
- Overview video of the Head Trash Clearance Method
- 1 video explaining each of the 5 steps
- 2 x videos of me clearing some head trash
- Explainer videos on why we do what we do
- Bonus audios on how to apply it for best results
- Personal Clearance Plan via email
- 4 x 30-minute Update Sessions
- Email support for 2 months
+ Personal Clearance Plan
- Head Trash Clearance Prep Book
- Overview video of the Head Trash Clearance Method
- 1 video explaining each of the 5 steps
- 2 x videos of me clearing some head trash
- Explainer videos on why we do what we do
- Bonus audios on how to apply it for best results
- Personal Clearance Plan via email
- 4 x 30-minute Update Sessions
- Email support for 2 months
+ One-to-one Support
- Head Trash Clearance Prep Book
- Overview video of the Head Trash Clearance Method
- 1 video explaining each of the 5 steps
- 2 x videos of me clearing some head trash
- Explainer videos on why we do what we do
- Bonus audios on how to apply it for best results
- Personal Clearance Plan via email
- 4 x 30-minute Update Sessions
- Email support for 2 months