The childbirth marathon
Childbirth is often compared to running a marathon and for good reason. The physical and emotional demands are not dissimilar. A recent study showed that childbirth put an equivalent (if not more) level of stress and trauma on the body as running a marathon.
So I thought I’d take this comparison a step further and explore the kind of messages that women are frequently subjected to when pregnant and see how those same messages might look if she was putting herself forward for a marathon instead.
This is to highlight the ridiculousness of what pregnant women have to put up with and to show how our culture encourages fear among women when it comes to birth.
As you know, I’m working to REDUCE fear among women when it comes to birth, and a huge part of this is simply putting the record straight. But who says we can’t have a bit of fun in the process 😉
Over the next few weeks, I’ll be blogging on the childbirth marathon theme.
If you would like to join in then PLEASE DO – the more the merrier! Keep me posted on your childbirth marathon efforts so that I can give you an internet high five!
In my first blog, I take a look how ridiculous it that whenever we see birth portrayed on TV and in films, that she is ALWAYS on her back.
1# No need to give birth on your back. In fact DON’T!
Whenever we see birth portrayed on TV and in films, that she is ALWAYS on her back.And yet, we know that this is the last position that you would actually choose to birth your baby. What would this look like if we applied this thinking to a marathon runner I wonder. Well, wonder no more! I’ve done all the wondering for you right here > No need to give birth on your back. In fact DON’T!
2. Home birth; bravery has NOTHING to do with it!
Do you think this is the face of a crazy woman?
To me she appears to be a confident woman who trusts her body to do what it knows to do; to run. Why wouldn’t a human being know how to run? It’s part of our DNA. We need to be able to run to survive. It’s not something we have to learn, we just KNOW how to do it. READ MORE HERE.
3. Failure to progress? Seriously?!
Let me me introduce you to Naomi. She’s about to take part in her first marathon.
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- In-Utero & Birth Imprint Trauma: The Hidden Factor Shaping Pregnancy Anxiety, Birth Fears, and Beyond - 14th February 2025
- Could Your Own Birth Be Shaping Your Fears About Pregnancy and Birth? - 12th February 2025
- We’ve Got Tokophobia All Wrong – And It’s Hurting Women - 12th February 2025
Great idea Alexia!
Thank you Catherine! I hope you enjoy the series x
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I love this, and look forward to your series! The marathon is an analogy I use in my childbirth class when we talk about partner support and how we encourage (or could potentially undermine) a woman preparing for birth.
Thank you Heidi! I’d be happy to take suggestions for a future blog in this series.