Betrayal Wound Healing


This Betrayal Wound Healing Activation has been created to help you to heal the hidden emotional wounds and traumas you’re carry around Betrayal.

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Betrayal Wound Healing Activation for those who are suffering from the Betrayal Wound.

This Betrayal Wound Healing Activation has been created to help you to heal the hidden emotional wounds and traumas you’re carry around Betrayal.

This Betrayal Wound Healing Activation works in three stages;

  1. First you are invited to explore the wound so that you can better understand where it may have come from and how it’s affecting you.
  2. Next you can listen to the Healing Activation audio. This is a deep working audio that has been created to help you to release the deep and hidden aspects of the wound.
  3. Finally I share next steps for how you can continue with the healing of this wound by sharing common connected themes.

The Betrayal Wound

If you’ve been let down by someone you thought highly of then you may have the Betrayal Wound.

This wound doesn’t only come from being let down by those we love, but also by those who we hold in high regard or who are in positions of authority. So if you’ve been let down by a doctor, a teacher or the government, this can show up as a betrayal wound.

Betrayal and breach of trust are tied to our morality, so what may be betrayal for one person, might not be for another. This difference in perception between two parties can create additional emotional friction. This could make any betrayal situation messier than it would’ve been otherwise.

Telltale signs you have the Betrayal Wound

If you’re suffering from the Betrayal wound you might experience some of the following:

  • You find it difficult to trust others
  • You avoid meeting new people and are hyper-vigilant when you do
  • You live in constant fear of rejection
  • Feelings of not being “good enough” often haunt you
  • You have low self esteem
  • You frequently experience anxiety, nightmares, and betrayal flashbacks
  • Sleep escapes you
  • You lack confidence, with underlying suspicions of everyone and everything
  • You display extreme reactions when you believe you have been done wrong
  • When you are put in a situation where you need to trust a person, company, or organisation, you are very suspicious of their intents

If you resonate with any of these, you may very well have the Betrayal Wound.

Betrayal Wound Healing Activation
This Betrayal Wound Healing Activation has been created to help you to start healing this emotional wound in yourself and includes the following;

Wound Healing Journal
This printable Journal will help you to think through the various aspects of this emotional wound. It will help you to better understand how it may have come about, and what else it might be connected to in you.

Introductory video
In this video I share more information about this wound so that you can better understand it. This will help you to gain more clarity around this wound and how it’s showing up for you.

Wound Information PDF
This PDF provides you with in-depth information about the wound so that you can refer back to it when you’re going through your healing. It also includes guidance on how you can heal this wound more extensively so that you can eliminate it for good.

Healing Activation Audio MP3
This Betrayal Wound Healing Activation will help you to release the various facets of this wound including past life traumas, traumas you may have experienced as a child or in the womb, and ancestral traumas. This Healing Activation works deeply and can bring about profound insights or realisations. The audio runs for around 25-30 minutes and is delivered by Alexia.


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