Welcome to the

Tokophobia Clearance Group!

Are you tired of letting your fears control your life?

Are you ready to break free from the grip of tokophobia?

If you’re tired of living in fear and want to take control of your emotions surrounding pregnancy and birth, you’ve come to the right place.

The Tokophobia Clearance Group is for you if you want to get rid of the fears and inner conflicts that are creating your tokophobia. With my proven approach, you’ll receive everything you need to overcome this phobia once and for all.

What is Tokophobia?

Tokophobia is the extreme fear of pregnancy and birth and affects up to 35% of women.

Primary tokophobia affects those who have nothad a direct experience of pregnancy or birth, where secondary tokophobia affects those women who have had a traumatic experience of pregnancy or childbirth.

It is a distressing condition that can manifest as intense anxiety, fear, or even panic attacks when thinking about or being in situations related to pregnancy and childbirth. This fear can significantly impact a woman’s emotional well-being and quality of life, and in some cases can be a contributory factor to severe anxiety or depression.

For many women, their tokophobia prevents them from being able to make a decision as to whether they have children or not. They do not want to make their decision from a place of fear, and so the decision is delayed, sometimes to great cost to their relationships. And, as time ticks by, the pressure to make a decision can exacerbate their mental health.

Common Symptoms of Tokophobia

Extreme Anxiety

Overwhelming anxiety at the thought of becoming pregnant or going through childbirth. This may be accompanied by physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, sweating, or shortness of breath.

Avoidance Behaviour

Fearful of pregnancy and childbirth, those with tokophobia may actively avoid situations that involve discussions, images, or even being around pregnant women or babies.

Intrusive Thoughts

Intrusive thoughts about pregnancy and childbirth can consume the mind of someone with tokophobia. These thoughts may involve worst-case scenarios, complications, or a fear of losing control.

Emotional Distress

Tokophobia can lead to emotional distress, including feelings of sadness, frustration, or a sense of isolation due to the fear’s impact on daily life. For some it leads to severe anxiety or depression.

I’m Alexia, and I used to suffer from tokophobia, although I never knew it had a name back then.

When I first found out I was pregnant, the shock of it made me sick. The thought of having a thing wriggling around inside me made me think of the film Aliens and I couldn’t even contemplate the thought of me giving birth. The only option as I saw it was to have a c-section, preferably with all the drugs!

When I miscarried a few weeks later I was relieved. It was then that I realised that something was up. Surely women aren’t meant to feel that way about losing their baby. I’d not long lost my mum to cancer, so I was grappling with grief, depression and anxiety. No wonder I was a hot mess! I decided to focus on dealing with my anxiety and depression because I thought that might be why I felt the way I did.

By the time I was pregnant again, I didn’t feel as numb about being pregnant, but I was still terrified about the birth. I couldn’t handle seeing other women’s bumps, which I knew was going to cause me problems of my own as my bump would grow.

I had to sort this out. Fast!

As a business coach, I had trained in many mindset technique and therapeutic approaches, so I decided I would try and clear my fears myself. I needed to because I didn’t have the kind of therapy budget I’d imagine I needed for the amount of fear I had going on.

I spent my second trimester figuring out (and succeeding) how to clear my fears myself by creating my own method. By month 8 I decided to ditch the c-section plan in favour of a home birth. I was a different person! I was excited and I couldn’t wait to meet my baby, and as it turned out my birth was an incredible experience that I will treasure for always (and it was pain-free!).

Four years later when I was pregnant again, I had a whole new load of fears and anxieties (new ones!). So I cleared all my new fears and went on to have an even more amazing birth; quick, painless and euphoric (which I was NOT expecting!). When my second baby was a few weeks old, I received lots of emails from women I didn’t even know asking me how I did it. They were scared too.

It was only then that I realised that the fears that I had experienced weren’t just me being a weirdo. LOTS of women have them! I also discovered that this thing I had, had a name: tokophobia.

So I decided to write a book sharing how I did it and how others can use my method – now called Head Trash Clearance. This book is Fearless Birthing. I also started a podcast to get my message out there. The Fear Free Childbirth podcast has now been downloaded over 1.6 million times in over 180 countries and I get emails every day from women telling me how my fear clearance method is helping them to overcome their pregnancy and childbirth fears. One lady not only overcame her huge fears around pregnancy to have two beautful children (AMAZING!). But she is now a surrogate and is on her 2nd surrogate baby!

If you have tokophobia and want to put it behind you, let me help you. I’ve now been helping women overcome their tokophobia for over 8 years and I’m really good at it. I know tokophobia well, and have encountered many different versions of it.

The thing about tokophobia is that it can feel lonely. No-one’s heard of it and no-one understands how you feel. This is why coming together with other women who suffer from it too, is healing in itself.

You don’t have to do this alone.

Join me and a group of other women who are in a similar place to you and let’s do this together.

Witness the incredible transformations as my clients conquer their fears and embrace a future free from tokophobia

Alexia has helped me in spades to overcome my tokophobia.

I didn’t realize when I started working with her just how much my fear of pregnancy and childbirth were not just affecting my relationship with myself, my body, and my husband, but also my relationship to life. I was becoming smaller and smaller every day, retracting from all facets of my life, allowing fear to consume me and keeping me from moving forward.

Alexia helped me see how it all is connected and through my work with her, she has created an upward spiral in my energy and love for life. She works with the shadowed underbelly of your deepest fears; or rather, she makes the fears work for you by showing you what they are trying to teach you. She has figured out that using the opposite of each of these fears, dissolves them and neutralizes their behavior in your head.

Her head trash clearance method has helped me deeply face down these demons and has strengthened me to my core, causing me to go to bed every night excited to wake up in the morning and face whatever comes my way: pregnancy or otherwise.

Very glad that I worked with her and she comes with my highest recommendation!


Every time I used to think about being pregnant, I’d have a panic attack. Now I can visualize it without a physical, visceral reaction.

I was so tokophobic that my husband and I were trying to pursue adoption, which unfortunately is a bit of a nightmare in America. Thousands of dollars later we had nothing to show but heartbreak and resentment, and abandoned that route. Seeing my husband, whom I love dearly, struggle to grapple with the possibility of never being a father made me realize I had to address my fears, or risk missing out on an amazing opportunity to be parents together.

So many resources address this by telling you all the worst things that can happen. This is not helpful for me! I LIVE in that space – I really didn’t need more fear or horror stories or worst-case scenarios. I love that your approach is super positive without being unrealistic.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I am now open and receptive to the possibility of carrying our child – and dare I say, a tiny itty bit excited at the prospect of welcoming our child into the world someday.


The Tokophobia Clearance Group

If you’re struggling with tokophobia, know this: you don’t have to face it alone.

The Tokophobia Clearance Group is here to provide the support, guidance, and tools you need to overcome your fears and put your tokophobia behind you. My unique method – Head Trash Trash Clearance – provides a structured approach and uses a simple fear clearance process. Thousands of women around the world have used my approach to free themselves of their fears and anxieties… and you can too!

Don’t let fear hold you back from becoming a mother, or from making your decision about having a family. 

Here’s how my Approach to Healing Tokophobia Works…

Step 1: Identify and List Your Fears and Conflicts

I’ll help you break down your tokophobia so that you can identify all your fears and conflicts that are contributing to how tokophobia shows up for you. From this you we create your Clearance List. This will serve as your roadmap to freedom from tokophobia. Then, all you need to do is to tackle one thing at a time!


Step 2: Clear Them One-by-One using Head Trash Clearance

Using the powerful technique of Head Trash Clearance, you’ll systematically work through clearing each item on your list. Don’t worry; I’ll guide you through the process to ensure you do it correctly. Each Clearance takes between 20-50 minutes making this process efficient and effective.


Step 3: Keep Going Until You're Done

Persistence is key. Most of my tokophobia clients have around 30 things on their list – but of course we’re all different. By clearing 5-7 things a week, you could be free of tokophobia in just a month. Some people need longer, especially if they have anxiety or other things going on like OCD.


Take the first step towards a fearless future.
Join the Tokophobia Clearance Group and live the life you desire.

Here’s what’s included in the Tokophobia Clearance Group Program

Fear Clearance Scripts and Audio Tracks

You will be provided with the scripts and audio tracks you need to clear your fears and anxieties.

And for those who opt for the personalisation option, you will have access to my Fearless Birthing online course that will teach you how to apply my method to ANY fears and anxieties you have.

Group Calls

We will have 5 weekly group calls during the 5-week program. These calls will be where you have the opportunity to get support and answers to your questions. You will get to hear from everyone else in the program and learn or be inspired from their experiences. This is your chance to come together and support each other on this transformational self-healing journey.

Group Clearance Sessions

There will be 4 x Group Clearance Sessions during the program. This is your opportunity to experience a live clearance session for something that you’re wrestling with. 

Group Trauma Healing Sessions

There will be 2 x Group Trauma Healing Sessions For those who opt for the personalisation options. These sessions are reserved for those whose clearance lists I’m familiar with. This is so that I can provide Trauma Healing for themes that are required by those attending.

Personalised Clearance Plan

If you want, you can choose to have a Personalised Clearance Plan. This upgrade option includes a private call with me where we explore how tokophobia shows up for you. I then provide you with your own Personal Clearance Plan. When you choose this option, you also have access to the Group Trauma sessions as I will have an understanding of of what traumas could be at the root of your tokophobia.

Private Calls and Messaging

If you want, you can choose to have a private one-to-one support with me. This upgrade option incudes THREE private calls with me along with private messsaging support. You can choose to take these calls for up to a month following the program. And you have access to me via private messaging for two months (the 5 weeks of the program and the month that follows). This means that you have more time to address your fears and anxieties. 

Now, let me address some common questions:

How many clearances will I need to do?

I’ve been working with women in helping them to overcome their tokophobia for over 8 years, and in that time, I’ve observed that most women tend to have around 30 items on their Clearance List. This varies of course, because tokophobia can show up differently in different people.

I reviewed all my client notes and compiled a list of the most common fears that I’ve come across. I will be sharing this Top 30 list of Fear Clearance Scripts with you. And if you have fears or conflicts that are not on this list, then you will have access to a vault of hundreds of other fears and conflicts to ensure that nothing is left unaddressed.

I'm struggling with anxiety too... what does that mean for me?

If you’re dealing with other conditions like anxiety, depression, or OCD, you will have a longer list, and it will take longer to clear your tokophobia. People with anxiety typically have around 45-70 items on their list.

It’s important to set realistic expectations based on where you’re at. Often, the things that are contributing to your anxiety or OCD are very similar to those things that are contributing to the tokophobia. I had one client whose OCD reduced by 85% (in her words) as a side effect of our tokophobia work. We weren’t even tackling the OCD!

How long could it take me?

My clients typically overcome their tokophobia in around a month. For some it’s less, and of course for some it’s more.

One of my clients managed to overcome both depression and tokophobia in just two months by clearing one thing off her list every day. While not everyone achieves such rapid progress, it’s inspiring to see what’s possible with dedication and focus.

The key to success in overcoming tokophobia is to maintain your momentum and focus. This is why taking part in a group program can help. Others will inspire you to keep going when you might be struggling.

I provide support and guidance tailored to your specific needs, ensuring you have the resources to tackle both anxiety and tokophobia.

Hear from my fearless clients on their transformative journeys

Life-transforming! ☆☆☆☆☆

Hand on my heart, this podcast changed the course of my life! I’m eternally grateful to Alexia for the incredible work that she does, helping women bust their birth fears and normalising the experience of pregnancy.

Through this podcast I discovered Alexia’s Tokophobia Support course which allowed me overcome my extreme fear of birth in 3 weeks!

As a result, I’m a happier, stronger, calmer and more resilient woman:)

Whether you’re planning to get pregnant or are an expecting/new mum, you have to drink from this source of inspiration, enlightenment and wisdom!


I was crippled over tokophobia. It had hijacked my goals in life, which had been to try to become a parent someday. I had had it for years since preadolescence, ever since I had learned about where babies come from. I wanted to be ready for when the time came to start a family someday.

I would absolutely recommend Alexia’s program to other women with tokophobia; if it can help alleviate my deeply-rooted fears with pregnancy, it could certainly help someone else! I feel less freaked out by pregnancy and definitely acknowledge this is a natural process that our bodies are well conditioned and equipped to do which I hadn’t felt before.

I think that anyone with specific fears that hinder them from living their lives to their fullest potential can benefit from this program. They need to know that it is possible to face your fears head-on, neutralize them and obliterate them. I honestly couldn’t believe it!

I figured I would need months or years to undo these deep-seated fears of mine, but in applying Alexia’s techniques that was not my case at all. I love the videos, materials, and podcasts!

They are a brilliant and helpful resource which you can access anytime and anywhere. The group calls were flexible and easy and the website is a treasure trove of information and extremely helpful in working to overcome my fears. I still use the podcasts and browse the website for videos though whenever I need touch-ups.


Let me tell you more about the Tokophobia Clearance Group

Discover how I empowered my clients to overcome their fears and embrace a fearless future:

From visceral, deep-rooted fear to elation!

It seems impossible to even imagine that I used to be completely engulfed by tokophobia – an extreme fear of birthing – that would cause me to get nauseous, tighten up and cry when watching even a short clip of another woman having a baby, let alone the very idea of going into labour myself. Neither rationalising my phobia nor educating myself about the birthing process would lessen tokophobia’s grip. I felt doomed, helpless and ashamed of being this way until taking part in Alexia Leachman’s Tokophobia Webinar gave me hope.

Fast forward less than a week, and I was enrolled in her group course “Tokophobia Support” which gave me access to excellent online resources, as well as, most importantly, weekly group calls and continuous guidance and encouragement from Alexia.

I dived into very challenging yet satisfying work, desperate for at least some respite from being tokophobic. The pre-recorded clearance meditations shook me to the depth of my being, left me soaked in tears and absolutely exhausted as the toxic emotions were leaving my body, yet brought immediate relief and clarity. I began to unravel the tight knot of traumas, fears and beliefs that I had about birth and was able to create my own meditations to tackle the above one by one. Incredibly,

I started to get a little buzz out of those sessions that would then lighten me up, energise me and give me a completely new perspective on some very touchy subjects.

Three weeks in and I was clear of tokophobia! Even during the first week of coaching, I was able to walk through a maternity clothing shop without holding my breath, come to a prenatal yoga class and begin to embrace the changes happening to my over-12-weeks pregnant body. My whole experience shifted dramatically toward genuine curiosity, gratitude and elation!

I now feel that I am the mother my baby needs me to be – strong, resilient, positive and, above all, caring and loving. Who would have thought that I could feel genuinely excited about the Big Day and look forward to bringing my sweet little baby into the world?!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Alexia!


Since getting married recently I have been in a real dilemma about having children due to the terror I felt around pregnancy and childbirth which I’ve had for as long as I can remember.

Before working with Alexia I always felt that I just didn’t like children but as my husband was really keen to start a family I was trying to uncover whether I really didn’t want a family or if this was just my fear talking. I’ve always felt too embarrassed to tell anyone about this as it made me feel stupid, as if there was something wrong with me.

I felt so alone with this fear on top of the decision I had to make and time ticking by so when I came across Alexia’s book ‘Fearless Birthing’ and her podcasts I felt like I’d finally found someone who understood exactly what was in my head. I decided to work with Alexia because I felt like I wouldn’t be seen as crazy, that she understood tokophobia – it was as if bits of her book were written about me!

Having completed the Group Tokophobia Program I finally feel as if I am not alone. The group support from the others made me feel so much better, just hearing that there were others who shared and understood my fears was invaluable.

I have to admit, that being an extremely logical, sceptical person, I was very hesitant to sign up to the course and even when practising the techniques that Alexia shares, I really could not understand how they were working, only that they did work to my amazement.

I would never have advocated this type of approach before trying it myself but I have to admit I was wrong. Although I am still not pregnant and have not quite reached the last hurdle yet of overcoming my phobia of childbirth itself, I am so much further along the road than I was when I started 4 weeks ago.

Given that I have had this my whole life and been in therapy for a lot longer than 4 weeks in the past I am extremely happy with my progress so far (as is my husband who says it’s the best money we have ever spent. He has noticed a visible difference in me, I’m so much calmer and sleeping better as a result of the work so far).

This is because the techniques Alexia shares have stopped my head churning so much. I used to waken in the middle of the night with panic attacks due to how overwhelmed I felt thinking about having children. I can confirm that I have not felt like this since starting the program which is a huge relief to me.

There are so many people online offering ‘magical cures’ and it’s hard to know who to believe. All I can tell you is that I am a psychotherapist and am used to working with people with phobias in a completely different way to Alexia so I took a chance on this program but I am so, so glad I did.

Alexia is the most genuine, interested and helpful therapist and coach because she cuts right to the heart of the issue to get the best results.

I would have no hesitation in recommending this course if you are willing to follow the program and put in the work, Alexia will be there to support and offer excellent, relevant guidance throughout.

I very much appreciated her quick responses as I think working solely online, can sometimes leave you feeling a little disconnected, however I felt as if I knew Alexia very quickly as she was always on hand to offer encouragement and suggestions from her vast knowledge of overcoming Tokophobia.

It may seem like a big investment but it’s actually very reasonable in terms of how much you can spend on therapy over the course of months or years and I can’t put a price on the peace of mind I have gained and the sense of mastery over something I initially thought was incurable.

As a true sceptic, and someone with the most overwhelming fear of pregnancy and birth, this is most certainly money well spent.

[3 months after this program Heather decided that YES she did want a family and 2 months later she was pregnant. She is expecting her second baby any day!]



How will joining the Tokophobia Clearance Group benefit you:

Overcome Common Struggles

Many people face common roadblocks when trying to overcome tokophobia. They struggle with identifying their fears, worry about doing Head Trash Clearance incorrectly, procrastinate, or lose momentum after starting. I am here to solve these challenges for you.

Comprehensive Resources

As a member of this group, you’ll receive everything you need to clear the fears and conflicts associated with tokophobia. And, you’ll have access to a vast vault of hundreds of other fears and conflicts, ensuring that no stone is left unturned. I’ve compiled this collection over 8+ years of helping women overcome tokophobia.

Guidance and Support

You will not be alone on this journey. I provide ongoing guidance, ensuring that you’re performing Head Trash Clearance correctly. I am dedicated to your success, and I’ll be there to support you whenever you encounter obstacles. And of course, you will havethe support of your group… people who get you!

The Power of Community

Embark on this healing journey with like-minded women who understand your struggles. You’ll have the opportunity to connect, share experiences, and support each other throughout your transformation. Our weekly group calls and online support group will ensure you never feel alone.

This is your chance to say, “I am going to do this.” By joining our group, you’ll gain the momentum, support, and resources needed to finally overcome tokophobia for good.

Don’t let your fears hold you back any longer—step into a future free from the limitations of tokophobia.

Here’s what another fearless client has to say about her transformative journey

I had tokophobia all my life and didn’t realize how bad it was until I got pregnant. I couldn’t sleep and I couldn’t eat and life felt overwhelming and miserable. By the time I was in my second trimester my fears took control and ran the show. I had gigantic fears surrounding labor and knew I had to do something about it before I went into labor.

I don’t know what I would have done without Alexia’s program!

Before doing it, I dreaded my pregnancy and the day of labor every day. It felt like such an overwhelming burden and there were so many things I had no clue about because it was my first pregnancy.

After Alexia’s program my whole world went from total dread to empowerment and JOY! I honestly can’t believe it! I am actually enjoying being pregnant and thanks to Alexia’s research and tools I have a thorough birth plan and all the information I could need at my fingertips!

By the time I was done with the program I was in control of my fears instead of my fears taking control over me. I feel so empowered by Alexia’s work, she gave me the tools I needed to face my fears head on and the support I also needed to really get there, I couldn’t have faced that intensity alone.

Alexia had every tool I needed to help me clear my fears and now I can actually enjoy my pregnancy instead of dreading it every day like I was! This program truly delivers and my biggest regret is not doing this work sooner. I wish I had cleared my fears with Alexia before I got pregnant! I am astounded by how deeply her work has touched my life and cleared my fears. I don͛’t know what I would have done without this.

I am amazed at the resources Alexia provides; it’s like she did all the research I don’t have time to do cuz I’m pregnant and has it all there ready for me. If you have fears around pregnancy don’t run away!


I understand that everyone’s journey is unique, and I offer flexible options and pricing plans depending on what suits you best.


Begin your fearless journey with the Kick Start plan. In a supportive group environment, you’ll receive the top 30 fears commonly associated with tokophobia, enabling you to make remarkable progress.

While additional fears identified during the program can be cleared, personalised attention is not included. You can ask questions and seek guidance through group chat or group calls.

This is ideal for you if…

  • If you’re TTC or thinking about starting a family
  • You want to make a start with tackling your tokophobia
  • You’re on a budget
  • You want to try tackling your tokophobia with the support of like-minded people who are trying to do the same


For a more personalised approach opt for the Bespoke Group Experience. I’ll identify your Personal Clearance List and provide guidance within the group environment. Clear each fear alongside like-minded individuals, sharing the transformative journey together. 

In addition to the group support aspects, this is ideal for you if…

  • You want to give yourself the best chance of overcoming tokophobia for good
  • You’re on a timeline – you want to get your tokophobia addressed quickly
  • You’re pregnant or planning to get pregnant, and want to incorporate birth prep as part of your fear clearance journey


Unlock the ultimate level of support with the VIP. In addition to the benefits of Level 2, you’ll receive personal sessions with me, including one-on-one calls and private messaging. Enjoy the exclusive attention and tailored guidance needed to conquer your tokophobia and achieve lasting transformation.

In addition to the group support aspects, this is ideal for you if…

  • You would like personal guidance, support and attention during this journey
  • You would like the opportunity to discuss or explore aspects in private
  • You would like to give yourself a bit more time with my support

Choose the plan that best suits your goals and level of support


When does the Tokophobia Clearance Group start?

The closing date to join the program is Saturday August 5th 2023.
The first call – the kick-off group call – is on Monday August 7th at 7pm UK time and it will run for 5 weeks. 

The group message area will close on September 8th 2023.

When are the group calls?

The group calls will take place every Monday at 7pm UK time;

  • August 14th
  • August 21st
  • August 28th
  • September 4th 

Click here to find out what this time is in your time zone. 

How much time should I put aside to get the most out of this program?

Great question!

Let’s assume that you have 30 fears and conflicts you want to clear – this is very typical for those with strong birth fears or tokophobia. Then if you aim to clear 6 things a week, then it’s very likely that you could be putting your tokophobia behind you by the end of the program. But, we’re all different and have different things going on, so this is not guaranteed. 

To do ONE clearance, it takes around 45-60 mins at the start while you’re getting to grips with it. This typically reduces to around 30-45 mins the more clearances you do, with some clearances possibly taking around 10-20 minutes.

Yes this is an intense program!

And then there are the weekly group calls. These will take around 2 hours. 

If you’ve chosen the do the Personalised or VIP option, then there will also be two Group Trauma Healings during the 5 weeks and these take around an hour each.

What if I can't make one of the calls?

You really should try to make sure you attend all the calls as this is where the value is – getting uspport and guidance on your journey.

If you can’t make one of the calls for whatever reason, you can share your update or post a question ahead of time and I will read out your update, or answer your question on the call. Then you can watch the replay.

What platform is the group support happening on?

This will be dependent on those people taking part. In the first instance, I will look to run this on Facebook. However, I realise that many people are leaving Facebook, or don’t have profiles there. If that’s the case then I will look to run the group messaging on either Telegram or Slack.

I'm not sure I have tokophobia, but I do find the thought of pregnancy or birth scary - is this for me?

Absolutely. If you have fears or anxieties around pregnancy, birth or becoming a parent, then this will be a great program for you to attend. 

What happens if I need personal or one-to-one support during the program?

One-to-one sessions will be offered at a reduced rate for those people taking part in the program. So, if you need some one-to-one support then you can access it. 

I can't take part this time round - is this program running again?

Probably, but I can’t be 100% certain due to other commitments.

If you are certain you want to take part the next time I’m running it, then please email me at hello@fearfreechildbirth.com to join a waitlist. If enough people join the waitlist, then I will prioritise running a group.

Can I get a refund if I don't like it?

No. All sales are final. This group program is for those who are commited to bringing about a life change. Decide if that’s what you want and then join us.