Tokophobia Research
Tokophobia is the fear of pregnancy and childbirth and affects many women of all ages.
As someone who used to be tokophobic, I’m all too familiar with how it feels. However, I’d like to help to raise awareness of tokophobia, particularly among health care professionals. To help me do this, I would like to better understand how other women experience this fear and how they feel it affects them. My early tokophobia research findings seem to inducate that women feel isolated and let down due to a lack of awarenesss and a lack of understanding of the condition.
I’ve created this survey to help me carry out some tokophobia research to broaden my understanding so that I can use the findings to help bring about change.
The answers provided to me as part of this tokophobia research will be used to create a podcast episode dedicated to tokophobia. I will also be referencing this tokophobia research in my book, Fearless Birthing, as well as creating a handout for healthcare professionals who are likely to come across tokophobic women in their work.
I’d like to thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.