I’ve not been as focused on the book lately as I’ve been preparing for the Fear Free Childbirth podcast launch – which is hopefully going to land NEXT WEEK! I’ve also been doing loads of guest interviews for my Head Trash podcast as well as some exciting behind the scenes stuff. I tend to do all that kind of stuff on the days that Little Sofia is in nursery, which is only 3 days a week and those days are pretty full-on workwise! So, work on the book tends to be on the days that Sofia is at home with me. I keep my laptop nearby whichever room we tend to be in and if she’s happy singing or playing then I spend time thinking about what I might write or the structure and flow. Of course, when she sleeps I’m a lot more focussed and do some actual writing. These moments of thought versus action work really well for me and I find that when she finally falls asleep and I get the chance to put some words down, I get a lot written. I guess it’s like HIIT training for writers! If I’m not too flaked from the day, then I’ll try to get some done in the evenings too.
Last week, she was feeling a little poorly and having not managed to get anything done in the day, I was loooking forward to cracking on with the book in the evening… but Sofia had other ideas! She didn’t fancy sleeping at all.. so I had to have her in the lounge with me… giggling at me!
Having said all that, I’m making great progress; I’ve passed the 50k word count! My goal was to write between 50k and 60k words so I’m in the final stretch. Last week was good because I think I finally nailed the structure… I’m just letting it sit with me at the mo. But I’m fast approaching the stage where I’ll be ready to release my first draft for beta readers… how nerve-wracking!! If you’d like to be a beta reader, then sign up for the free chapter because I’ll be asking people interested in the book first.
What about Dads?
I’ve also decided that I want to create a chapter for Dads too, so this is going to take a bit more research as I get my head around what support dads are looking for. I’m hoping this isn’t some silly distraction to delay things…
Do you think Dads would appreciate a chapter to read too? What do you think I need to include in my Dad chapter? If you’re a dad, what would have helped you to be fear free so that you could support mum on the big day? What worries do Dads have about pregnancy and childbirth?
Should I divert my energy getting my head around Dad stuff, or just crack on with finishing this damn thing?!
Let me know what you think in the comments.
Related posts:
- In-Utero & Birth Imprint Trauma: The Hidden Factor Shaping Pregnancy Anxiety, Birth Fears, and Beyond - 14th February 2025
- Could Your Own Birth Be Shaping Your Fears About Pregnancy and Birth? - 12th February 2025
- We’ve Got Tokophobia All Wrong – And It’s Hurting Women - 12th February 2025
Without a doubt! My wife has tokophobia and we recently found out we were pregnant. I’m reading everything I can, but there isn’t much for me on what to expect and how to be (and continue to be) as supportive as I possibly can. Although it will come too late for me, I think there are lots of other dads-to-be in my boat and they really have nowhere to turn for helpful information that is directed at them.